Jeff Newkirk

Appreciate, Attack, Add, Achieve – A Simple Success Formula with Jeff Newkirk

Season 4, Episode 17 - Jeff Newkirk

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Hosted by
Jeff Newkirk

Season 4, Episode 17 – Jeff Newkirk

Welcome to Game Changers with Jeff Newkirk, where we speak with people who have done something to make this world a better place. It’s simple: inspire, educate, and let’s go change this world! 

On today’s episode, Jeff discusses goal setting, tracking goals, and the four A’s to achieve those goals. He recommends having an accountability partner, someone who will redirect and help us stay focused on those goals. Accountability partners need to ask where you are falling short and why. This should be someone in your inner circle, someone that you know, like, and trust. This person needs to be someone you can go to about anything and tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Life happens and we can fall short, but we need people in our lives to redirect, encourage, and challenge us to meet the goals that we set. 

Next, Jeff talks about the four A’s which include: Appreciate, Attack, Add Value, and Achieve. The first one is Appreciate, which is reminding ourselves of what’s important. If we have food to eat, a roof over our heads, a shirt on our back, and a job to pay bills, then we are ahead of the game. Sometimes we lose perspective, but it all goes back to that positive mental mindset. Jeff recommends reading the book, “The Energy Bus” by Jon Gordon. We need to lead from the heart and our thought process should be to serve and help others. It is hard to go wrong when we lead that way. To keep a grateful heart and stay positive, he suggests writing in a gratitude journal or using the Grateful app. He writes down three things a day that is thankful for to document and remind you of what you have.

The second A is “Attack,” which is having the mindset to attack the day or it will attack you back. You need to be ready to go with the flow and be prepared because things will happen. No matter what happens, we need to keep moving forward. He recommends the book, “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol Dweck. We need to have a growth mindset– not a limiting one. We need to remove words like “try” or “can’t” from our vocabulary because these will limit us. Who knows where the world will take you if you have a growth mindset? Jeff recently talked to his son, who is a coach, about changing his team’s mindset from one that thought they were failures and losers to a team that thinks they will win and achieve. They believed in themselves and were told that to succeed. 

In addition, the third A is “Add Value,” which is adding value in every situation and to every person. Jeff references John Maxwell’s book called, “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth” and the law of contribution, which is putting others first. When you lead, you lead because you are serving others. You are not a leader if you expect others to serve you. You need to provide examples and serve others with humility. He also states that we are in control of our own decisions and lives. He talks about the movie Rocky Balboa and how the son is complaining about where he is at in life because of other people. Jeff says not to let others dictate how far you go in life– you only have yourself to blame. Change your environment and start making the world a better place. A friendly smile and saying hello to someone is the easiest way to leave strangers better than you found them. 

Lastly, the final A is “Achieve,” which is to continue to move forward. Jeff talks about the 10x rule, which is adding 10 times the value to whatever you are doing. Examples are if you’re walking, do another lap or if you’re reading, read another chapter. Create your goals, go through the steps, and achieve them ten times. Jeff recommends listening to, “The Power of One More” by Ed Mylett. Always do one more thing because that will help you get closer to achieving your goal. In conclusion, Jeff says let’s track those goals, be appreciative of everything we have, attack each day, and add value to every situation and person, and we’re going to achieve 10 times what we thought we would. 

Learn more about Jeff Newkirk

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Season 4, Episode 17 - Jeff Newkirk